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40k Views for The Observer

Updated: May 14, 2023

ND's student paper reaches a major milestone.

In June 2020, Editor-in-Chief Mr. Di Donato moved The Observer from a printed publication to an online platform. Since that time, the club has seen over 100 students participate in some aspect of the paper.

These contributions have allowed the online publication to grow (including an Instagram account) to where this past Monday, it reached 40,000 views -- an impressive number for our school of 700!

The Observer team thanks those who take time to read the articles and those who send information to publish regarding their clubs and various organizations.

Subscribe to and follow @ndobserver on Instagram.

Students can keep up-to-date on Juggler sports, clubs, ND news, events -- and see what schedule we're following on any given day!

They can also participate in polls. in fact, there is a World Cup poll up now... The winner of this poll will be put into a draw to win a prize.


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